Ten Years Of Herd Strategies

You’re just doing this until you find a real job.

This is starting to feel like a real business.

I’m not building any equity working for you.

I need to make real money.

She’s never going to make it.

As I reflect on the past ten years of Herd Strategies, these and other statements remind me of how important it is to stay laser focused on your vision and never let your detractors or critics write your story. 

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more. I am absolutely beaming with joy that Herd Strategies represents 65% of businesses to survive 10 years and we’re poised to become members of that elite 25% club.

Has it been easy? No. Have there been times I’ve wanted to quit? To be honest, no.  Have I been disappointed? Yes.  Have I been over the moon with joy? Absolutely yes.  But these emotions and many others would have been experienced whether I worked for someone or for myself. These feelings come with every job.

Reaching our 10-year milestone is an amazing achievement and one that we plan to celebrate. At first, I was hesitant but in reflecting on this milestone it’s clear a celebration is not only necessary, it is deserved.  But as I lift a glass to toast 10 years of Herd Strategies, it’s only appropriate to take time and celebrate the personal accomplishments achieved along the way. There was a lot of growth, letting go and realizations that occurred.  There were lessons learned, friendships formed, losses and gains.  

I’m proud of what Herd Strategies has accomplished and am excited about what the future holds. I thank everyone who played a hand in getting us to this milestone. We never could have done it without you and we are forever grateful.

Here’s to a decade of The Herd. Salute!


Corey L. Wilson


Maggie A. Lewis