More Love

Last week, Kierra encouraged us to live our truth, and I couldn't agree more. I firmly believe we all need to mind our business and stop worrying about how other people live their lives and love who they want to love. Besides, isn't love supposed to make us happy? If so, then why are we so mad about it?

Lately, there has been so much senseless violence that two people who want to love each other out loud should be the least of our worries. I looked up the definition of love, and according to Merriam-Webster, love means "a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties." The definition doesn't define perimeters for sexual orientation. Love doesn't discriminate. Love does not know a face, gender, race, or personality. Love is a connection between two people that embodies respect, fondness, and happiness. 

In all honesty, that's what this world needs the most. Not the hate towards each other, but the acceptance and respect that everyone deserves. We need to love love because the Lord knows we need more of it!  


10 Local Organizations Leading with PRIDE


Bill Skaggs