Gratitude In A Jar

This year has been rough. If you’ve read recent blogs written by Denise, Rachon, and Kierra, you probably share a few of their sentiments.

In spite of it being a long year, I have found that if you begin your day by writing down one small thing you’re grateful for, it will start a chain reaction. There’s one, then another, and another. Before you know it, you have a jar full of simple (oftentimes overlooked) things such as a car, a bed, food, clean clothes, family, and friends.

Sometimes, finding gratitude takes us a while. Navigating emotions of failure, disappointments, and frustration can have us all feeling pretty bad sometimes. However, it's in those moments that we should practice gratitude the most.

With Thanksgiving being tomorrow, I encourage you to begin your day with an attitude of gratitude and really think about what you are thankful for.

Here’s how to start your “Gratitude In a Jar”:

  • Set aside time each day to write down what you're thankful for on a piece of paper.

  • Fold the paper in half and place it in a mason jar.

  • When you have moments of disappointment, failure, and frustration, go to your jar and pull a piece of paper out and read it.

Before you know it, your jar will be full, and it reminds you of how much you have to be grateful for.


Kristian Stricklen


Attitude of Gratitude