Attitude of Gratitude

Can you guys believe that Thanksgiving is NEXT WEEK?! Time is moving insanely fast, and when time keeps passing, it can be difficult to hold onto all of the beautiful moments that flew by. The difficulty doesn’t negate the existence of beauty, though. 

Rachon and Denise both spoke on how the challenges of this year made it difficult for them to realize just how much they have to be grateful for. To be honest, at the time I was reading their blogs, I felt a similar energy. I knew my blog was coming up and I was really trying to think about what I had to be grateful for, but I just kept focusing on how awful of a year it was for me personally. After reading both of their posts, though, I realized something important-- it’s all about the attitude of gratitude.

As soon as I shifted my attitude, just like they did, I found all of the beauty that I should have been embracing. This year, I strengthened my relationship with my mother, celebrated one year of marriage with my wonderful husband, landed a position that I never thought I’d be able to find, and connected with so many inspiring and supportive people in my community. All that being said, how could I possibly think I had an awful year?

When I allowed myself to focus on the negative, I was completely blinded to the positive. The trick to getting past that was realizing that gratitude is bred from perception. If you have an attitude of gratitude, you’ll keep the positive moments at the forefront of your mind instead of letting negativity cloud your outlook. 


Gratitude In A Jar


Blake Johnson