Grateful For Those...

November is here already? 2021 is speeding on by; someone needs to give the year a ticket for going so fast…*insert laugh?* Enough with my horrible dad jokes, but this year has felt like a rush of one thing after another, and it’s been pretty overwhelming. Last week, Denise spoke of her gratitude wavering, and I honestly have to agree. I’d be lying if I said everything has been rainbows and unicorns. I seem to be questioning myself so much that I’m voting against myself and all of the decisions that I have made.

I’m the type of person that when I am going through something, I tend to silence myself and fade into the background. I always tell everyone that I am the main character in all aspects of my life, but sometimes I feel more like an extra on my own set... What snaps me back into my Oscar award-winning lead character, though, are the people in my life that I surround myself with. I’m so grateful for those…

Who Keep Me Authentic. My best friend, who is literally a brother to me, got after me for not being my true, authentic self. At first, I was playing dumb as to what he was referring to because I was trying to avoid the conversation, but he simply told me that he knew the real Rachon and that I needed to find him again because this was not it.

Who Make Me Laugh. I’m not a doctor by any stretch of the imagination, but laughter is truly the best medicine. My inner circle of friends crack me up so much they make my stomach hurt. In those moments of laughter, I’m only thinking about all the good things in my life, and why I do what I do.

Who Remind Me I’m Loved. My family shows me time and time again that I am truly loved. My mom is my ride or die, and she always has my back no matter what. My parents live a few hours away from me, but when I told them that I was feeling homesick, they made a surprise weekend trip to Indianapolis just to lift my spirits. At that moment, I felt nothing but loved.

What keeps me going day in and day out are these moments with the people that I hold closest to my heart-- moments of authenticity, laughter, and love. When you feel like you don’t have anything to be grateful for, I recommend you stand up and look around at all the incredible people that you have in your corner to remind yourself how blessed you truly are.


Blake Johnson


Linda Broadfoot