Anthony Murdock II

 “Loving yourself is a revolutionary action and you are worth the revolution.” - Anthony Murdock II

Through this month’s social media theme, #BuildingBuzz, we are shining the spotlight on local influencers who use their stories and strong communication skills to ignite positive change and unite communities. This week, we are featuring speaker and entrepreneur Anthony Murdock II, a visionary who uses his experiences to inspire other Black voices.

Murdock, raised in Indianapolis, is a lawyer, lecturer and passionate storyteller. After obtaining degrees in Political Science and Religion from Butler University, he recently graduated from the IU McKinney School of Law. Murdock currently holds several leadership positions at Butler University, both as a Lecturer of Entrepreneurship and Innovation and as an advisory board member for the Hub for Black Affairs and Community Engagement. He also serves as the chair of the Governance Committee for the Indianapolis Food Access Advisory Commission. Additionally, Murdock is the founder of Murdock LLC, a consulting company that empowers people, brands and businesses to leverage the power in their stories. 

Murdock believes that influence grants the power to impact people. He shared that his pathway to influence was forged through storytelling. He discovered his passion for speaking by hosting Moments with Murdock at a local cafe, pouring into others’ lives and forming personal connections. “My community kept telling me about how my story helped them see the power in their own,” he said. His career has been shaped by sharing how he has solved problems in his own life, which has helped others with their problem-solving journeys.

When asked how he would advise others to use their influence, Murdock's guidance was rooted in consistency. He said that every day is an opportunity to share your story and to serve others using your unique skill set. He also highlighted the value of creating a purpose statement so you can communicate your unique personal value. Investing in your personal growth and development is also paramount, allowing you to identify who could benefit from the value you bring to the table.

Struck by how often the strength of personal testimonies is untapped, Murdock coined the term “powerpreneurship” in 2019. “Powerpreneurship is the art of strategically leveraging the power in a story,” he shared. He saw the value of amplifying stories from all ages and experiences, stating, “The wisdom of our elders and the visions of our children are tied together by the power in stories.” The purpose of Murdock's message is intended to help bridge the generations and unite Black people of all ages. He believes that healing from generational trauma comes from honest communication in safe spaces.

Murdock also emphasized that when pursuing your passion, it is important to not treat the human body like a machine – it deserves rest and respect. “I don’t believe in the grind now, sleep later mentality,” he said. He worries when he sees that mindset within the Black community, fearing that it reflects the American slavery-era view that Black people are simply mechanisms for white benefit. “I refuse to push the narrative that your purpose can’t afford for you to close your eyes. Nah, get your 8 hours. After all, when we sleep, we dream.”

To learn more about Murdock and his work, you can visit his website at or connect with him on Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.


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