Building Your Social Media

Building a buzz around your brand is extremely important, but it's not always easy. You must take several steps, such as designing your logo, picking your font and color, and researching your target audience and competitors. Last week, Kierra explained the different ways to build your brand, and one of the primary methods is to utilize your social media.

After your branding is finalized, it is imperative to do your research. Knowing your target audience, where they live on the web, and what they are interested in is extremely important when trying to generate the buzz you want around your brand. And that's why social media is a huge component.

4.62 billion people around the world use social media. That's more than half of the world, so if you’re using the right platform, your chances of reaching your target audience are pretty high. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn all have unique marketing purposes. While ads are great, your organic content and positioning on the platform best for your brand are critical when trying to build a buzz.

For example, LinkedIn is one of the largest professional apps for social networking and career development. Many professionals, employers, and job seekers utilize Linkedin for career advice, networking, recruiting, and job searching. But you can also use LinkedIn to position your brand as a subject matter expert.

Once your profile is created, it’s time to join groups and post content related to your industry. Joining groups on LinkedIn is a great way to add your brand's voice to the conversation and offer advice. Posting content regularly will increase your visibility and allows your brand to be creative and convey its message to its audience.

Utilizing the right social media platform will help you build the buzz you want.


Anthony Murdock II


Hyacinth Rucker