Building Community

Do you want to build a buzz? Build a community that feeds the mission you are trying to achieve. If you are starting, you may want to start with our latest blog post, Building a Brand and Building Your Social Media. These will help you begin building the buzz around your brand. The next step is connecting with your target audience and getting them to BUY IN; your community is how you elevate your brand.

Building a community is one of the best tools a brand can use when promoting a campaign, product, or service. Getting your prospective buyers to tap in and give you their views and comments on how you connect with them gives you more of that know, like, and trust factor that people need to commit their attention to what you have to say!

The best way to build your community is to create solid, informative platforms where they can engage with you and each other. Each forum allows your audience to experience your brand's future mission, and it also allows you to interact and gain market knowledge on what your community needs and when they need it. You can engage the network to move your brand further as you grow.

What is the definition of community building?

Community building is a company or organization looking to build a deep connection to members on current or ongoing projects. This connection develops into a give and take between business and consumer for further problem-solving.

Why is it essential to build a community?

When building a brand, connecting with the community is one of the most critical factors you must consider. The community is your base resource while building our new and prospective facets of your business.

What makes a strong community?

Authenticity helps you to build a strong community while providing your brand as a resource to the community for that specific need.

Next steps to take:

Identify your target market (your community)

Build social platforms

Create a content calendar

Show up consistently


Kelli N. Jones


Anthony Murdock II