Mirror Mirror

Denise, Selena, and Kierra's blogs took us on a journey of self-discovery and held a mirror to some of our innermost thoughts. Our #UMatter theme causes us to push pause on our thought patterns and challenge ourselves to do some self-inventory. I want to fuel the fire even more by taking it a step further. I want us to challenge ourselves to parent our inner voice to have a mind of its own. An inner voice not lost on likes, opportunity, or stature but rather centered in faith, hope, peace and love.

Our minds can sometimes become so lost in what others think about us that we lose what we feel about ourselves. Thoughts of shame, judgment, hurt, and pain can send us into a spiral of never really looking at what we might be bringing to the table. No matter the path our lives may take, the voice we hear the most is our own. Our inner voice is conditioned by our parents, upbringing, traumas, illnesses, and peer groups. Each influence adds to how we pick ourselves up and, alternatively, how we may tear ourselves down.

I want to take this opportunity to move the needle a little further by asking us to become even more introspective. Going within to ask ourselves why do I matter, what's important to me and how do I serve others in this life?

These may be challenging questions to answer initially. But giving ourselves the space to search and explore how we feel opens us up to see how our actions may affect others. Our power to create our own narrative is the most incredible power we have as human beings; it's crucial to take the time to truly explore.


Full of Pride


Kelli McCrary