Kelli McCrary

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” ~ Phillipians 4:11 - 13, King James Bible.

We continue our #UMatter theme with Kelli McCrary, Go Red for Women Director at the American Heart Association. Go Red for Women is the American Heart Association's signature women's initiative and serves as a comprehensive platform for increasing women's heart health awareness. Go Red also serves as a catalyst for change to improve women's lives around the world.

Kelli's progression to director of Go Red for Women was organic and is rooted in her passion and dedication to the mission. She embodies the commitment it takes to serve women right where they are and takes it as a personal charge to increase awareness around women's health and wellness. She strongly believes in taking care of one's whole self, both physically and emotionally. She starts her day with worship music and sets goals and tasks to help her feel a sense of accomplishment when the world around her feels chaotic.

Kelli hopes the AHA will significantly impact the city of Indianapolis as more initiatives begin to launch. Her mission is for the organization to have a stronger voice when it comes to conversations about the overall health of Hoosiers. The Go Red for Women initiative is one of Indy's most outstanding resources for disseminating vital cardiac research to women in order to help prevent their risk of heart-related diseases. "We know many factors contribute to having a healthy heart, such as eating right, moving more, de-stressing and being in tune with your mental and emotional health,” she stated.

We asked Kelli what story has inspired her to keep going each day. She shared, "The best stories of hope and faith are from those saved by their spouse, family member, or even a stranger, as a result of Hands-Only CPR. One gentleman shared his testimony of dying– yes, dying– and walking toward ‘the light.’ However, because his wife performed CPR on him for 17 minutes, he is still with us today. His message of hope, love and survival is extraordinarily impactful."

Kelli continued to share the importance of how one's mental health can affect their total wellness. More specifically, she spoke about depression and the research that can be found on the AHA website that explains how depression affects the heart. The website also provides interesting facts and stories of men and women who have suffered from a mental health disorder that affected their heart. When asked what women could do, Kelli highlighted three main actions that can be taken when one is not feeling mentally well. "First, identify the cause of your depression, stress, or anxiety and address it,” she stated. “Second, seek therapy if necessary. Finally, choose healthy habits and don't rush the change. Above all, we always recommend speaking to a medical professional about your mental and physical health."

You can learn more about the American Heart Association and the work being done at Go Red for Women by visiting their website. (, and by following them on FB (@American Heart Association), IG, and Twitter (@american_heart).


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