I Am Who I Am

Happy Pride Month! I’ve waited all month long to say that! Our Herd word of the month is “freedom” and what better way to celebrate freedom than Pride month? The answer is that there isn’t! I am a gay Latinx male. I celebrate my freedom by being who I am and living my life how I choose. What seems to get lost is that being gay is not all that I am. I’m more than that; I am me.

When I meet someone for the first time, I introduce myself as Rachon. Rachon is more than what box or label society wants me to be. I enjoy doing tons of fun things like hanging out with friends, spending time with my family, and enjoying my boyfriend’s company. I like going fishing and I also like painting my nails as well. It’s just who I am.

Living in my freedom is beautiful and it allows me to look in the mirror and love the person I see. To those who are questioning who they are, I’m here to tell you that you are beautiful no matter what. For those of you who feel like you can’t do something because of other’s people’s opinions, I’m here to tell you to do what you want to do. I am who I am, and you should be who you want to be.

I have this saying I tell myself from time to time, and it’s,

“Be you. Be great. Be Mariah.” This will keep you going dahling!


Mossy Stone


Deidra J. Coleman