Back And Better

Hello to you all! My name is Kierra Santillan and I’m the newest addition to Herd Strategies. That being said, I’m also the newest addition to the Herd blog, and what a great month to start with! After the insanity that was 2020, I think #DWYGD is the best phrase to live by to make 2021 better than the chaos we all endured.

For me, I think #DWYGD means making yourself a priority and doing what’s necessary for your development. Last year caused a lot of pauses in peoples’ plans for growth (myself included), but it was just that: a pause. It may have been a rather lengthy pause, but trust me, it’s never too late to press play and start doing what you need to do.

When the pandemic started, I was working at a financial institution in a job that offered no further growth or learning opportunities. I found myself feeling stuck because I knew that finding a new career path during a global crisis was a dangerous game. I started to lose myself and my motivation until my husband reminded me that I’m only stuck if I allow myself to be.

After that, I decided it was time to #DWYGD and leave my job to pursue my dream. I told myself that I wasn’t going to settle for another dead-end position and focused all my energy on finding my purpose. Flash forward two short months and here I am, doing exactly what I set out to do! I finally found a career with a company that I’m proud to represent, doing work that I stand behind and it feels incredible!

Take this month’s phrase to motivate you to keep pushing in pursuit of your goals. Don’t be afraid to #DWYGD to set yourself up for success because you’re worth taking a risk for!


Looking Forward


Earl Martin Phalen