Celebrating My "Oops"

October is here, and I am so happy because I have many things to celebrate; Halloween is only 18 days away, and I know my costume is going to be great. I’m celebrating my anniversary with my significant other—a lot of joyous moments. Despite having many celebratory items this month, I want to use this entry to talk about the little things that Denise discussed in her blog last week. Like many young professionals whose career is growing, I’ve had some “Oops” moments, and I think it’s time to celebrate them.

I’ve worked at Herd Strategies as a full-time Account Coordinator for four months now, and man, there have been some stumbles, to say the least. I tend to allow my “oops” to define me instead of me defining it. I think as young professionals, we can all agree that it’s hard to get up once you fall. But guess what, you have to. My boss always tells me that everyone has slip-ups. I get that, but it doesn’t mean that it makes me feel any less bad.

Like Erykah Badu, I’m a Pisces, and an artist, so when it comes to my writing, I’m sensitive about my ish. But I’m working on this because here lies an opportunity for growth. I’ve learned to take criticism and move forward, not wallow in it, because that is just not productive for anyone. My mom raised me to be “a leader, not a follower”. Her exact words, by the way.

I think of how many times I have fallen or slipped up, and instead of allowing myself to crumble, I rise up. I’m a better person than I was months ago, which I find is worth celebrating. I know Kelly Clarkson didn’t coin the phrase “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” but it’s one of my favorite songs, so here we are. Remember, keep it pushing with your head held high and your eyes set on your dreams.


Kathy Cabello


André Zhang Sonera, MPA