Building a Brand

For the month of August, we are focusing on #BuildingBuzz– the art of grabbing the attention of an audience and getting them excited about what you have to offer. As PR practitioners, we are frequently called upon to help organizations build buzz for many reasons, one of which is building brand awareness.

In order for any business/organization to find success, it must showcase a clear brand identity. This comes in the form of logos, color palettes, mission/vision statements, and even font styles. All of these seemingly minor details work together to formulate the voice behind the operation to generate the desired audience base. Simply having a brand identity, however, won’t automatically generate an audience. You need to actively build your brand to gain a following. 

Media relations play a significant role in building a brand. You want to get your identity in front of the right people, and that starts with connecting to the media. PR specialists do this by curating a specific media list of journalists/publications that communicate to the audience you’re wanting to reach. From there, interviews can be established, stories can be published, and your message can start gaining the traction it needs. 

Another way to build your brand is to utilize your social platforms. Social media allows you to connect with like-minded people that gain interest in your work based on the content you create. Consistency is key with social media, though. You need to make sure that you’re regularly sharing content if you want people to care about your message. You also need to make sure that the content you share matches the tone of your business so that people know what to expect from you as an entity. 

Building a brand really boils down to patience and persistence. If you focus on sharing your voice and connecting with your audience, you will see results. 


Hyacinth Rucker


Dominic Dorsey