Polina Osherov

To inspire means to “Fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something. These feelings can catapult you on a beautiful journey of exploration through a multitude of outlets” (Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary).

Our "Warrior Woman" Friday Feature series continues with a woman who not only inspires but innovates, mentors, and helps drive those around her to do more. Polina Osherov leads the charge as Executive Director of Pattern Magazine. In her role, she states she is "Interested in helping people pursue their goals, and equipping them to be successful through mentorship, professional development opportunities and connecting them to resources."

Polina embodies authenticity and uses the lens of photography, storytelling, and print to inspire women to speak through their ever-evolving fashion options. She believes that being "A warrior woman means you're comfortable with boundaries, with being disliked, with saying ‘no,’ and blazing your path." She breaks that down by letting us know that every warrior woman needs her tribe; no woman can do it alone, and supporting each other is how we overcome any barriers that come our way. As she believes, “It's less about specific barriers and more about overcoming them, whatever they are, and the personal and professional growth that comes along with the result.” No matter the barrier, “You just have to keep at it until you figure out how to get past it,” she says.

Each day she gets up and fights "For the Indiana creative economy to be recognized as a key economic driver, and for there to be a material investment in growing it and supporting its ecosystem.” Polina believes in the importance of role models for young men and, specifically, women in the creative industry. Having someone who will go before them to open the door and cheer them on makes all the difference in building a successful career. She states, "If I can save a young person some time figuring things out and help boost their confidence and self-esteem, I consider that a win on all fronts!"

During our conversation, Polina gave us so many gems, but our favorite was what we saw as a solid daily affirmation for us all: "I have staying power. I don't give up, and I keep moving forward no matter what because I've learned that the joy is in the journey, in being challenged, in personal growth, in having an impact, in looking back and seeing just how far you've come."

You can support Polina on her mission of creating a pattern of giving on her website (www.patternindy.com), On IG (@patternmagazine), LinkedIn ( Pattern Magazine), Facebook (PATTERN), and Twitter (@PatternIndy).


War On Purpose


I See You