Ain’t No Feeling Like Being Free

This month the Herd is focusing on freedom and I cannot think of a better word to describe this season. Freedom, dare I say, is arguably the most valuable commodity in the world, next to perhaps water and air and after a year like what we’ve had, everybody is dying for more of it!

Being stuck in the house for more than a year certainly has a way of yielding a strong desire to break free of your own four walls and all of the pandemic’s restrictions in order to get back to what feels normal. But I’m not just talking about physical freedom. I’m talking about something deeper. This time inside has ignited for many of us a renewed perspective and a greater appreciation for the expenditure of time. Being restricted in the form of quarantines, shelter in place orders and more, has undoubtedly called into question how we spend one of our most valuable assets.

After watching others lose so much and also zeroing in on what truly matters most, one thing is very clear to me. Freedom is my path of choice. There is no greater asset than to be free to choose for oneself, to be free of other’s expectations and walk in lock step with your most authentic desires for your life. So many of us never choose this path. We spend a lifetime living out someone else’s dreams or the vision others have created for us and we miss out on the glory of what can happen when you free yourself of those burdens and create for yourself a life that allows you to be true to whatever feeds your soul.

Now the pursuit of freedom doesn’t promise an easy road. In fact, in order to get there, you’ll likely face some difficult decisions and challenges along the way. However, when you determine that the reward of what will be is greater than what was, returning to “normal” simply won’t cut it and you’ll be willing to do what’s necessary to secure your freedom, however you define it. We all deserve to live our truth and be celebrated for doing so. In fact, as you pursue your own freedom, you’ll find it easier to grant others theirs. May you be bold enough to bet on yourself and never look back. I know I will.

Cue Destiny Child’s Free:

“Ain't no feelin' like being free

When your mind's made up

And your heart's in the right place


Ain't no feelin' like being free

When you done all you could

What was misunderstood

It's all good

Ain't no feelin' like bein' free

I'm like an eagle set free

And finally I'm looking out for me

Ain't no feelin' like being free

'Cause my mind's made up

And my heart's in the right place



Deidra J. Coleman


Belinda Drake