As we were thinking about the word of the month for July, the Herd decided to change things up just a bit. Instead of a word we decided to incorporate a phrase. That phrase led to an acronym which led to a hashtag and little did I know how relevant it would be to me as a business owner.

So, what is that phrase, acronym, hashtag which has turned my world inside out? #DWYGD. Do what you gotta do. #DWYGD has become my mantra. I find myself speaking these words over and over again both out loud and, in my mind as I migrate through the twists and turns of each day. I believe in #DWYGD. I believe each of us must take the necessary steps to pursue our goals and live life to its fullest. We must #DWYGD

As a business owner we follow the practice of #DWYGD in order to keep our companies alive. But over time our definition of #DWYGD shifts, and we begin to prioritize the needs of others over our own. We believe that by placing the needs of others first, we’re doing what we’ve got to do to ensure our businesses thrive. Let me tell you from experience, this is far from the truth.

#DWYGD means doing what YOU need to do for YOU. What do you need to do in order to be your very best? Who is on your team? Who are your cheerleaders, accountability partners, critics and confidants? Are those around you truly all-in or are they just passing through? Do you find yourself bending to accommodate the needs of others and masking those decisions under #DWYGD? Are you truly living a life committed to #DWYGD?

I encourage us all to take some time to assess our lives right now, make a list and decide what needs to change. Then review what you wrote and plan your strategy to #DWYGD. The reward is worth the risk and the benefits outweigh the consequences. It may be uncomfortable at first but trust me when I say, it’s worth it. As I am walking through my own personal journey to #DWYGD I know how hard it is but I’m so glad I have an opportunity to pause and take time to do what I have to do – for me. #DWYGD it’s your time.


It’s You Time


What is Pride?