Celebrating My Progress

Wow, I cannot believe October is basically over, which means this year is almost over! I feel like I blinked, and 2021 was done. Despite how fast the year went by, though, it still had a lot of celebratory moments.

Looking back on the blogs of this month, the theme has definitely been untraditional victories. Denise spoke on appreciating the little things in life, Rachon was showing some pride in the lessons his mistakes have taught him, and Selena was embracing all of the roles she embodies. For me, my untraditional victory is the progress I’ve made. I may not have fully succeeded in all elements of my life yet, but I’m taking steps in the right direction, and that’s huge.

Professionally, I’ve been able to step into the P.R. world by landing this job here with Herd Strategies. I still have some work to do to fully establish myself in this industry, but I’ve already made great connections and have worked on some amazing projects. I’ve also made some progress in my personal life by paying off debts and building my savings along with the help of my husband. While those things aren’t making a huge difference for me right now, they are significant steps towards us purchasing a home and building our family soon.

Sometimes it’s hard to feel pride in the journey when you haven’t reached the destination yet, but you have to remember to appreciate every step that brought you to success. Be patient, keep focusing on your goal and celebrate your progress along the way!


Finding My Gratitude


Luisa Macer