Stronger Than Ever

Last week, Denise reminded us that in order to “spring forward,” you have to let go of everything that’s slowing down your progress. That can be a pretty heavy challenge for most people. For a select few, removing negativity is second nature and they can naturally filter through relationships with ease. For others, like myself, establishing boundaries and making those necessary cuts can take a lot of time and willpower.

I took what Denise wrote and decided to step back and assess my world. Am I surrounding myself with people that are helping me grow? Am I living in a way that encourages my development? Do I actively spend time each day trying to better myself so that I can “spring forward” in life? The harsh reality was that I had to say “no” to some of those probing questions. But then I realized, the sooner I acknowledge the problem, the sooner I can fix it. 

It’s easy to feel discouraged when you recognize that you’re responsible for roadblocks in your life, but you have to remember that it happens to everyone. Once you acknowledge that you’re standing in your own way, you can start pushing yourself to make necessary changes and move down the path toward your best self. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Am I doing everything I can to spring forward in life?” If your answer is no, join me in this journey of self-improvement and let’s go into May stronger than ever!


Rico Francis


Inez Evans